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Connect Groups

Solid Rock has various groups to help you get connected.  We have Bible studies, support groups, men's groups, women's groups, and youth groups.  Find the perfect fit for you.


Collide Youth Group is for students grades 6 - 12, every Friday from 5:30-8:30! Fun, worship, fellowship, and learning. All are welcome. 

Bible Study that teaches the Word by:
1. Book studies, verse by verse and
2. Subject studies.

Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 at the Church

A Bible Study that meets outdoors under a tent at Auntie Vai's. Tuesdays 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm.  Come join us!

Fundamentals of Faith is a Video Bible Study on the Book of Revelation, hosted by Pastor Allen Nolan of Cornerstone Fellowship in Oklahoma, using Scriptures, Cultural, Historical and Anthropological Resources to interpret Godʻs Prophetic Word. Wednesdays 6:30-9:00.

Equipping men to be disciples and build up the body of Christ for every good work (2 Tim 3:17; Eph 4:12). We meet the 1st Saturday of the month along with New Hope Puna at Solid Rock Church from 8-10am for a “Menʻs Breakfast” potluck.

A discipleship class using The Purple Book study guide authored by Rice Brooks and Steve Murrell to teach Biblical Foundations for building strong disciples. Mondays and Thursdays 6:30 - 8 PM

A weekly support group for women who currently are or have ever been in an emotionally abusive relationship.  Contact Pam at 503-669-7807 for meeting information and to discuss if this is a group for you.

It's often easier to move forward when we are moving forward together. The FORWARD group is a midweek check-in where you get to share what God is doing in your life as you move forward with Jesus. Pastor Sam leads this group and often shares a nugget of wisdom to help us move forward together in all that God has for us.

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